Dec 17, 2012

Google Maps for iPhone leading the chart at Ap Store

Wake up iOS fans, the nightmare which has horrified you since September has been over and a new morning, new ways and new direction is waiting to land on your iDevice! Yes, you guess it, the most awaited Google Maps has come to rescue you from the poor quality Apple Maps introduced with iOS 6.

Of course many of you will be aware of the story, but for those who have woke up from my alarm bell, here are the juicy tidbits that you should not miss. Apple debuted its own mapping system in September with iOS 6, which met with huge criticism on having major glitches. Famous cities, towns, buildings were wiped out, graphics appeared blurry and wrong locations were displayed in countries. The frustration created by Apple’s very own Maps app compelled Tim Cook to appear before public and apologize for the failure.

Now when Google Maps has made its remarkable entry, the cheer from iPhone, iPad and iPod customers can easily be observed. Frown from the faces have disappeared and smiles are once again back. The question here is what does Google Maps bring? The app is designed in an all new style and brings lots of fascinating features. Maps are drawn in vector graphics, built-in transit direction is there and a new addition is voice controlled turn-by-turn driving directions.

The Street Views for popular destinations look amazing, you can put the street address, a point of interest, a search term and navigate all the way easily. Google Maps for iPhone acts as your true travel guide, it tells traffic conditions and alternative routes to help you reach the destination on time. The application is ideal for both car and pedestrian navigation. Voice functionality is purely efficient-- it delivers detailed information with correct pronunciation that is easily understandable.

Ahh.. what else can I say. Google Maps is smoother, more attractive and gives super-accurate and real-time traffic information. It can be made even better by fixing the 3D interface issue while driving. The app is leading the App Store chart since its arrival. If you have not downloaded it, try it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch now. It is free to explore.

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