Sep 5, 2013

Sidebar Plus brings multi-tasking sidebars for your Android device

Do you want to make your device a little more handy, accessible and easy to use? If you said yes, and have Android device rush to the Play Store and get your hands on Sidebar Plus (Multi-bars). It’s a new app which caught attention few days ago when it was being tested on the XDA.

Sidebar Plus produces multiple slide-out bars on your Android device that can be opened from aside and used for anything. You can display your contacts, widgets, settings, shortcuts, bookmarks or apps there. A single bar can contain numerous items belonging to the same category, while mixed bar and big bar can include items of other categories as well. You can customize the bar according to your favorite theme, colors, icon size, opacity, bar alignment (left/right). The app is easy to use and all features are available for free for five days. If you want to keep using its amazing features after that then you have to buy the full version via an in-app purchase.

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