Aug 30, 2013

How to send multiple photos simultaneously using WhatsApp

WhatsApp is one of the fastest and widely used platforms for exchanging messages. It has crossed the mark of 250 million active users in June 2013 due to the many advantages it offers like free of ads service and ability to save messages offline. Beside the upsides, the app came with some restrictions. It won’t let you send multiple photos at a time. If you are looking for an easy solution to fix this issue, download the Cydia app WhatsApp MorePhotos on your jailbroken device.

The jailbreak tweak released by iMokhles enhances the capability of the cross-platform messaging app and enables you to send up to 10 photos simultaneously. The tweak is simple; you will find all the instructions inside the Setting app. Pick up your iDevice running WhatsApp 2.10 and higher and click the link to download the app. 

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