Aug 29, 2013

Classic Adventure PC game The Last Express lands on Google Play Store

You might have played many PC games in your life, but if you are asked to pick top 20, then The Last Express would be one among them. Being a hard-core gamer, if you have spent numerous hours on the game you would be glad to know that it has landed on Google Play Store. DotEmu has released the Android version which can be downloaded for $4.00.

The Last Express will take you to the mysterious adventure of Orient Express in 1914 when Europe was on the brink of war. It brings a full 20 hours of classic gameplay and more than 30 characters including the American doctor Robert Cath. You have to sneak through the compartments, discover clues and deal with people on the train who are communicating in their native language, don’t forget that your action will impact other character’s behaviours. The game is designed really well; you will see detailed 3D graphics and 3-tiered hint system developed exclusively for small screen devices. What else do you want? Get a copy of the game and unlock challenging achievements yourself. 

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