Aug 17, 2013

Amateur Surgeon 3: Become world-famous surgeon on your iPhone, iPad and Android

What did you want to become when you were a child? A teacher, lawyer, engineer or a doctor? Most people in their childhood want to become a doctor, many of them achieve their goal while others get indulge in other occupations and forget about their childhood dream. If you fall in the later category, here is your chance to materialize your dream virtually. Adult Swim has released Amateur Surgeon 3 for you guys.

The game packs all the fundamentals of the previous episodes, but in more fun and polished way. It brings new, unique and weird unique surgery components like electrocuting flying bats inside of a patient’s stomach that will make you go crazy. The gameplay is simple; you have to get upgrades to do advance surgeries more easily. Completing a surgery successfully produces coins that can be used to unlock more upgrades and improvements. Amateur Surgeon 3 is adventurous, bizarre, and bloody but it is a must-try for all medical bees. Try it for free on your Android, iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch and dump your thoughts here.

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