May 2, 2013

Draw Something 2 for iPhone and iPad makes spectacular entry

Enjoyed the super successful social drawing game, Draw Something on your iOS device? If yes brush up on, Zynga has released the amazing sequel, Draw Something 2 exclusively for iPhone iPad and iPod Touch users. The new game comes with the same magic and features hordes of drawings and new words, fresh collection of colors, drawing tools, patterns, textures and new ways to play. It also packs live social feed where users can follow contacts, celebs and artists on social media. Draw Something 2 also enables players to like and comment on pictures that are not included in the game.

The new gameplay is similar to Draw Something original game. One of the two players chooses a word or phrase and draws the picture that represent the word, the other player has to guess that word. If he guesses correctly, he gets the chance to draw. If at any point in the game, the player needs help in solving, hint facility is there to support him. Hints allow users to guess individual letters in exchange of in-game star currency, but the cost increases with each guess. The downside is that Draw something 2 also lacks the way to win or lose the game, just like its predecessor. It has neither any reward for winning, nor punishment for losing. It would also have been nice if players were allowed to transfer their purchases or coins from Draw Something to Draw Something 2.

Draw Something 2 is available in App Store both in free and paid versions. Within just few days of release, it has topped the list of free iOS apps and is getting great response. Give it a shot and let us know whether it is as fascinating as the original game or not. The new app is not released for Android users, but it is expected to enter Play Store soon.

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